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Legal informationUse ofapplication examplesApplication examples illustrate the solution ofautomation tasks through an interaction of several components intheform of text, graphics and/or software modules. The applicationexamples are a free service by Siemens AGand/or a subsidiary ofSiemens AG ("Siemens"). They are non-binding and make no claim tocompleteness orfunctionality regarding configuration and equipment.The application examples merely offer help with typicaltasks; theydo not constitute customer-specific solutions. You yourself areresponsible for the proper and safeoperation of the products inaccordance with applicable regulations and must also check thefunction of therespective application example and customize it foryour system.Siemens grants you the non-exclusive, non-sublicensableand non-transferable right to have the applicationexamples used bytechnically trained personnel. Any change to the applicationexamples is your responsibility.Sharing the application exampleswith third parties or copying the application examples or excerptsthereof ispermitted only in combination with your own products. Theapplication examples are not required to undergo thecustomary testsand quality inspections of a chargeable product; they may havefunctional and performancedefects as well as errors. It is yourresponsibility to use them in such a manner that any malfunctionsthat mayoccur do not result in property damage or injury topersons.Disclaimer of liabilitySiemens shall not assume anyliability, for any legal reason whatsoever, including, withoutlimitation, liability forthe usability, availability, completenessand freedom from defects of the application examples as well asforrelated information, configuration and performance data and anydamage caused thereby. This shall not apply incases of mandatoryliability, for example under the German Product Liability Act, orin cases of intent, grossnegligence, or culpable loss of life,bodily injury or damage to health, non-compliance with aguarantee,fraudulent non-disclosure of a defect, or culpable breachof material contractual obligations. Claims for damagesarising froma breach of material contractual obligations shall however belimited to the foreseeable damagetypical of the type of agreement,unless liability arises from intent or gross negligence or is basedon loss of life,bodily injury or damage to health. The foregoingprovisions do not imply any change in the burden of proof toyourdetriment. You shall indemnify Siemens against existing or futureclaims of third parties in this connectionexcept where Siemens ismandatorily liable.By using the application examples youacknowledge that Siemens cannot be held liable for any damagebeyondthe liability provisions described.Other informationSiemensreserves the right to make changes to the application examples atany time without notice. In case ofdiscrepancies between thesuggestions in the application examples and other Siemenspublications such ascatalogs, the content of the otherdocumentation shall have precedence.The Siemens terms of use( shall also apply.SecurityinformationSiemens provides products and solutions with IndustrialSecurity functions that support the secure operation ofplants,systems, machines and networks.In order to protect plants, systems,machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary toimplement –and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-artindustrial security concept. Siemens’ products andsolutionsconstitute one element of such a concept.Customers are responsiblefor preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,machines and networks.Such systems, machines and components shouldonly be connected to an enterprise network or the Internet ifand tothe extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriatesecurity measures (e.g. firewallsand/or network segmentation) arein place.For additional information on industrial security measuresthat may be implemented, please visitSiemens’ products andsolutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.Siemens stronglyrecommends that product updates are applied as soonas they are available and that the latest product versionsare used.Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failureto apply the latest updates mayincrease customer’s exposure tocyber threats.To stay informed about product updates, subscribe tothe Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed at
S7 通信定义:通过 PROFIBUS 或PROFINET/工业以太网在 SIMATIC CPU 之间进行 SIMATIC 同构数据交换。S7 通信可以通过控制器在PROFINET 和 PROFIBUS 之间路由数据。通过 S7 通信可将现有 S7-300/400 连接到 S7-1200/1500或将现有的系统迁移到S7-1200/1500 之上。建议:请使用开放式通信在 S7-1200/1500之间进行数据交换,由此可使用通用的以太网标准。使用 BSEND 和 BRCV 进行协调数据传输BSEND 将数据发送到伙伴控制器中BRCV 类型的指令中。由于 BSEND 和 BRCV 对数据传输进行了协调,BSEND/BRCV 可在已组态的 S7连接中发送非常大的数据量。BSEND 对要发送的数据区域进行分段,并将每个分段分别发送给伙伴。由 BRCV对接收到的发送段进行应答。如果 BRCV 已应答收到完整数据区域,则可以启动新的 BSEND 发送作业。使用 USEND 和 URCV进行不协调的数据传输USEND 将数据发送到伙伴控制器中 URCV 类型的指令中。URCV收到数据后不应答。数据传输未与伙伴控制器进行协调。也就是说:在 URCV 将所有数据写入目标区域之前,USEND可以覆盖接收数据。如果 USEND 覆盖数据,则接收方将发出错误消息。
连接类型概述自动连接用于基本通信,例如针对用于工程作业或HMI 编程设备的控制器,系统将保持自动连接。编程连接编程连接非常灵活。使用 TSEND_C 和 TRCV_C进行通信。系统自动打开和关闭连接。或者它们使用 SIMATIC S7-300/400 的指令 TCON、TDISCON、TSEND 和TRCV。编程连接可用于例如分散连接等应用。● 断开连接后,连接资源可继续使用。● 在 RUN的用户程序中建立和删除编程连接。配置连接如果连接断开,控制器将自动重新连接。在 SIMATIC STEP 7的网络视图中创建并配置连接。● 连接资源始终保持繁忙状态。● 在 STOP 中建立连接
成立日期 | 2019年09月10日 | ||
法定代表人 | 袁宜男 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子授权代理商,西门子授权代理商,西门子一级代理商 A.西门子PLC代理商, 西门子触摸屏代理商 | ||
经营范围 | 西门子PLC模块 、控制器 、输出模块 、plc模块继电器 、plc模块触摸屏 、变频器 、西门子代理商 、西门子模块 、西门子交换机 、西门子smart200 、西门子PLC 、西门子低压 、断路器 、plc模块 | ||
公司简介 | 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司是中国西门子的最佳合作伙伴,公司主要从事工业自动化产品的集成,销售和维修,是全国知名的自动化设备公司之一。公司坐落于中国一线城市上海市,我们真诚的希望在器件的销售和工程项目承接、系统开发上能和贵司开展多方面合作。以下是我司主要代理西门子产品,欢迎您来电来函咨询,我们将为您提供优惠的价格及快捷细致的服务!西门子华东区域代理SIEMENS可编程控制器1、SIMATICS7 ... |
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